Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Piece On Libraries

M.R.R. Arcega, author of "The Magic Christmas Box" from the PGS Special Holiday Issue, has a piece over at the Read Or Die blog: "The Need For More Libraries, Or For Better Bookstores". A quote:

2007 Nobel Prize winner Doris Lessing once spoke of the need for good libraries, saying that “In order to write, in order to make literature, there must be a close connection with libraries, books, with the tradition.” We always hear talk of Pinoy writers needing to write more. But as a good friend once said and I never forgot: “The more I read, the more I want to write.” Some of us tend to notice it off the bat - our most productive times are when we are in the company of other artists, when we’re being forced to catch up with a reading list, when we’ve just experienced something awesome and we’re driven to share it with other people. In short, when we’re being inspired.

And in other countries, they have places where you can just walk in and be inspired, and you have no excuse not to be.


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