Thursday, February 05, 2009

Courtly Vs. Carnal

(Sorry for the absence. Been busy with work and personal matters. Suffice it to say that aging is a biotch. Will get back to blogging regularly once all this passes.)

In the meantime, here's a link care of Zen In Darkness. One quote that grabbed him is:

A commenter, yale09, pointed me to Anne Fadiman’s essay “Never Do That to a Book,” which divides readers into “carnal” and “courtly” lovers:
"Carnal lovers" will mark and dog-ear pages, rip covers or whole chapters etc while "courtly lovers," like yourself, revere their books and leave them untouched.
Which one are you?

Zen In Darkness said that an outline of the Anne Fadiman essay is here, but if anyone has a copy of the full essay, please do share. Thanks!


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