Wednesday, January 06, 2010

"Gearing Up For Some Spec Fic Criticking"

As seen over at Oblique Strategies: "Gearing Up For Some Spec Fic Criticking". This blog entry provides one view/observation of the state and direction of Philippine speculative fiction. An excerpt:

Last night, as I was thinking about the continuing progress of the human race - as I am wont to do every once in a while - I realised that one of the major problems of our local Speculative Fiction scene is that it lacks homegrown Futurists. Its output has been overwhelmingly Nostalgist/Nativist - from MagRealist fables to (if ever) back-to-basics postapocalypses to manananggal-raver mashups to Brockanian urban dystopias - and if ever someone does do a Futurist take on the Philippines, it is almost always politically infantile, its idioms largely borrowed from another culture's, ie, Hollywood and Wired.

Head on over to read the post and the comments. Feel free to share your own thoughts as well, as your observations of local speculative fiction writing--what you like and what you don't--can provide further insight.


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