Tuesday, December 14, 2010

5 Authors More Badass Than The Badass Characters They Created

I knew about Ian Fleming, Ernest Hemingway, and Lord Byron, but I learned something new about Lord Mallory and Arthur Conan Doyle. Here are 5 Authors More Badass Than The Badass Characters They Created. The introduction to the article:

When you read a story of a manly hero slaying a dragon and then bedding the princess, it's easy to imagine there's a 300-pound author sitting behind the typewriter in a tiny apartment full of cats. After all, fiction is all about escaping our real life, right?

Not always. In fact, if you look at the authors behind some of the most iconic heroes of all time, you find a writer who's every bit as badass. Not only did these guys insert elements from their actual lives into the stories, they actually toned them down a bit.


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