Friday, June 13, 2008

Lucky Or Not?

Today is Friday the 13th, and I'm making it through, no less lucky or unlucky than on any other day.

But some Dutch statisticians have crunched the numbers and concluded that Friday the 13th is perhaps even luckier than regular days. Maybe it's because everyone thinks it's such a bad day that they're actually playing it safer?

And while according to Chinese custom the number "8" is supposed to be lucky, 2008 is proving to be anything but for China, what with the massive earthquake they just suffered, the snowstorm earlier in the year, not to mention the riots in Tibet. Come to think of it, 2008 has been fairly unlucky so far for the whole world the way gas prices are rising, taking every other commodity with it. As a result, many in China are rethinking the whole lucky number "8" concept. Some are putting the blame on this year being that of the Rat's, which is considered far from lucky (though I beg to differ, because my brother was born in the year of the Rat, and my family is lucky to have him).

"That's why it's better to be born lucky than rich," said the mother in D.H. Lawrence's The Rocking Horse Winner.

And I've heard the sentence "It's better to be lucky than good" so many times, in reference to everything from academics, politics, sports, health, science, publishing, and general life, it's become a bit of a cliche.

Frankly, I'd like to be all three: good, lucky, and rich. Wouldn't you? Wouldn't anyone? :)


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