Friday, July 18, 2008

Not Really Books To Movies

More like "Other Media To Movies", including long awaited sequels.

I've long wanted to write a post about what I think are pretty good or pretty bad movie adaptations of books, but I don't feel confident enough. My movie watching tapered off sometime in the mid-90's, giving way to more book reading.

But getting back to "Other Media To Movies", can you believe I only saw Spiderman 3 when it came out on cable a few weeks ago? And 300 just a few months before that? I've missed Iron Man and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, feeling more glum about forgetting the latter than the former because I grew up on the first three Indiana Jones films. There's a new Incredible Hulk movie, and I haven't even seen the one before that. It took me months to finally get to the Star Wars prequels, and I have yet to see Peter Jackson's King Kong, or anything by Hayao Miyazaki. With regard to prose, I did finally get to see Brokeback Mountain a few months back, but then, I haven't read the story it was based on yet; so much for making a comparison there. I did not miss Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice, but that's because someone in my family wouldn't let me (you know who you are! Man, as if the 6 hour BBC version wasn't enough!). That reminds me: I've yet to see Atonement also. I've set a date to see The Dark Knight, (and yes, I've seen Batman Begins, as well as Tim Burton's versions, and even Joel Schumacher's, but more on him later). But who knows? I just might forget that one too. I'm so out of it. Thank goodness for cable and DVD's.

Which makes this discussion I had with that same relative who dragged me to Pride and Prejudice all the more ironic.

Me (reading entertainment news off the computer monitor): Hey! You've been watching that TV show, Avatar: The Last Airbender, right?

Relative (watching TV): Yes?

Me: Here's an article that says they're going to make it into a movie!

Relative: Yeah! Who's in it?

Me: Hmm. I'm not sure, but I think no one's been casted yet, not in this report. But they have a director.

Relative: Who?

Me: M. Night Shyamalan.

Relative: What? Nooooo...

Me: Mmm? Why don't you like him?

Relative: He'll turn it into something too sappy, like The Lady In The Water, and probably miss out on the humour and the adventure.

Me (who hasn't seen The Lady In The Water or Avatar to form an opinion): Hmm. Oh well.

Relative (resumes watching TV but seething slightly): grrr.....

Me (after a while): Oh no!

Relative: What? Someone's been casted! Don't tell me, it must be someone awful!

Me: No, that's not it. Joel Schumacher wants to direct a movie of Neil Gaiman's Sandman!

Relative (who has not read Neil Gaiman's Sandman): Oh, so?

Me: Have you seen Batman and Robin? Schumacher wrecked the franchise! That movie was horrible.

Relative: Now we both have something to be angry about.

Me: I hope Schumacher doesn't get the job.

Relative: It's worse for me then, 'coz Shyamalan's already the director.

Well, one day maybe I can make a "Books To Movies" post, severely limited as it'll be. I'm hoping that others will be able to share their thoughts and opinions about their "Books To Movies" too. I'm going to need help there.

Relatedly, Accidents Happen and I have been having fun playing casting director via email for the coming Sherlock Holmes flick. We both know that Iron Man's Robert Downey, Jr.'s got the part, but we were bandying names of British actors who could've played the role. I tell you, Accidents Happen knows even the most obscure actors. She says it's a sickness, obscure actoritis. I think it's a gift. With that kind of recall for names and faces, she would've made a good detective. :D


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