Saturday, September 27, 2008

An Attempt At A Critical Analysis Of Speculative Fiction

Head on over to Kristel Autencio's site, where she has put up her old college term paper: The Melancholy Of Cultural Identity In Dean Alfar's Short Fiction. She labels it her "attempt at a critical analysis of spec fic". Here's the intro below, then click on the above link to read her paper.

I'm sorry for foisting my old college term paper at you guys. :( I made this in early 2007 I think, since we were studying post-colonialism. I wanted to frame this kind of critical thought around the two stories by Dean Alfar that really struck me for their themes. This is only the first part and it's horribly incomplete because I seem to remember that this paper came to a total of 9 pages. There was even a specific reading of L'Aquilone du Estrellas and The Middle Prince that has seemed to be lost within the bowels of my hard drive. :( But since it might be relevant to the current discussion, here you go.

Looking back on it one year later, I can see a lot of difference in the literary climate today. For one, there's a mention of the lack of printing venues for fantasy and science fiction aside from indie publishing. But that was before Anvil released it's own line of Fantasy titles. I'm pretty sure many of my former assumptions have changed (or have been modified, at least) since then.

Lastly, forgive the crazy underlines and notations, I'm too lazy to take them out. X'D


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