Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy And Unhappy Jobs

From the site, The Work Buzz, I found this article: Happy Jobs: Job Satisfaction Survey. It lists the ten happiest and unhappiest jobs from their survey.

Happiest Jobs:
1. Clergy
2. Physical Therapists
3. Firefighters
4. Education Administrators
5. Painters/Sculptors
6. Teachers
7. Authors
8. Psychologists
9. Special Education Teachers
10. Operating Engineers

Unhappiest Jobs:
1. Roofers
2. Waiters/Servers
3. Laborers
4. Bartenders
5. Hand Packers And Packagers
6. Freight And Stock Handlers
7. Apparel Salespersons
8. Cashiers
9. Food Preparers
10. Expediters.

Note #7 under "Happiest Jobs".

So, is the image of the tortured writer carrying the burden of his art, his stories, his view of the world, more the exception than the rule? Is the picture of him tearing his hair out and slaving the loneliest of his hours away in search of the perfect word, sentence, paragraph, not the norm? :)

If you're a writer, are you happy?

I notice #4 under "Unhappiest Jobs": Bartenders. I guess the weight of carrying all the problems of their drinking customers can be quite a burden. I'm sure they wish they could charge by the hour, like psychiatrists. I mean, bartenders can say, "So how does that make you feel?", just like anyone else. :D


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