Monday, February 09, 2009

2008: Year In Philippine Speculative Fiction

I'm still a bit down from my health issues, and I've been searching the internet looking for guidelines on how to get back to feeling physically better. I found this site that says the bare minimum amount needed to exercise to prevent type 2 diabetes is seven minutes a week. Just seven. Hey! Go full out four times a day, 30 seconds each? A schmuck like me can do that! That cheered me up.

I almost became ecstatically happy, forgetting all my negative feelings, when I read this headline saying you can get an orgasm while working out. Whoopee! Talk about the right incentive! Of course, when I get to the site, I find out it only applies to women. Geddemmit! Exercise is sexist!

And then I received an email which truly cheered me up, and it's got nothing to do with exercise. The email linked to a site called Apocalypse Now And Forever, set up by Don, a "dirt-poor kid who subsists mostly on a glossies and playlists diet". This site talks about Philippine Speculative Fiction in 2008, and I'm glad he mentioned Mia Tijam's "Blink, Wake Up" from PGS4 as one of his top choices for the year. Hooray!

Head on over to the site to read his assessment of 2008.


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