Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Vampires For Christ; Amish Love Stories

It seems that Christian literature in the U.S.A. has diversified to find its way through this worldwide economic recession: romances in contemporary Amish society, and upcoming Christian perspectives to vampires and other undead creatures. An excerpt from the article:

The Christian book business, optimistic that a little literary escapism might be an antidote for readers in hard times, is turning to bonnets, buggies and bloodsuckers.

Even as Christian publishing suffers during the recession -- one study found net sales for Christian retailers were down almost 11% in 2008 -- several publishing houses are adding or expanding their fiction lines with both the tame (Amish heroines) and boundary-pushing (Christian vampire lit).

The undisputed industry leader is so-called Amish fiction -- typically, romances and family sagas set in contemporary Amish communities. They're a surprise hit with evangelical women attracted by a simpler time, curiosity about cloistered communities and admiration for the strong, traditional faith of the Amish.

The success of the genre has spawned not just new Amish fiction authors but also spinoff series about other cloistered communities. If you want to sell it, as one literary agent put it, put a bonnet on it.

But not all new Christian fiction is prairie wholesome. There's building buzz -- and some trepidation -- about upcoming titles that bring a Christian perspective to tales of vampires and the undead.


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