Sunday, January 10, 2010

Estranghero Press Guidelines, And A Reminder

Estranghero Press has released their guidelines and ground rules. An excerpt:

1. The release of the Estranghero Press offerings is scheduled quarterly– or as close as possible to release four online anthologies or collections a year. As such, the call-outs will be done two to three months before the actual release (i.e. publication) of the anthologies. Send in your works within the set reading period by then.

2. The anthologies or collections will handled by a guest editor for the particular release. However, the overall series editor will be yours truly.

3. The stories of future online anthologies or collections will depend on the themes proposed in the call-outs. These themes will depend on the discussions with the guest editor. However, Estranghero Press is open to suggestions on possible themes, topics, subject matters, etc.

Click here to read all the guidelines.

Also, January 15, 2009 is the deadline for the press's anthology, Demons Of The New Year.


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