Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Usok Interview: chiles samaniego

PGS contributor chiles samaniego is interviewed by Pinoy short-fiction site Usok. An excerpt:

Been busy with Ruin and Resolve, but don’t think I’ve forgotten Usok! I’m still in need of stories for our second issue, so if you have a speculative fiction tale in search of a home, you can check Usok’s submission guidelines here.

Here’s the second of my interviews with several of our Usok authors (to get some insight as to their lives as writers in general, and their stories in Usok in particular), this time with chiles samaniego, author of The Saint of Elsewhere: A Mystery. chiles (yes the small caps and small pronoun “i” are intentional) is also one of the authors who generously donated a story to Ruin and Resolve.

Tell us a bit about how you came up with the idea for your story.

As with many (maybe even most) things for someone of my temperament, it started with a girl. Though that, obviously, is as simplistic/reductive as it is concise as a summary of my particular creative process—at least for this story. Of course, after that, in the writing, it grew into something both more and, substantially, less than what that beginning suggests.

Note that the Usok editor says that he is still in need of submissions for the second issue. Check out the guidelines here.


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