Thursday, August 07, 2008

A Good (And Hard) Question

Found this post, On The Literary Industry Of The Philippines, over at Childlike Innocence. It raises a question:

Q: Philippine literary works appear to disappear into neglect and obsolescence in this day and age of Harry Potter and Twilight. Classical literature taught in grade schools and high schools concentrate on the permutations of D’Arcy and the controversies of kings and queens. Is the industry of Philippine literary publications (excludes textbooks, instructional materials, magazines, and periodicals) dead? Why? As a future manager and mover of the Philippine economy, what recommendation would you provide to improve the situation?

A college student, Childlike Innocence tries to answer this difficult question, and I find that her answer acknowledges both the local situation and the wider audience that is readers around the world. Her fourth and fifth points in particular sound fine to me.

It's a very interesting question, and I'm glad there are people out there thinking about this. In the end though, what's important is we keep on reading, not just authors from other places but authors from here. In addition, we should also keep on producing our stories, and the good ones will rise, just like cream. It's difficult, but not impossible. The readers and writers from other countries have shown that it can be done.

Thank you, Childlike Innocence, for allowing me to link up!


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