Friday, January 15, 2010

First, The Bird Again; Then Writing, A Pint Of Guinness, James Joyce And His Piano

Before anything else, that bird is still here. Maybe it's making fun of me; maybe it's just a rude bird hurling invectives at me while I, in all my innocence, am enjoying its singing; or maybe, as PGS contributor Elyss Punsalan has suggested here, it's trying to tell me maybe I should buy me a lotto ticket.

Okay, now that that's out of the way.

The comments on this previous entry, "Help! Language Confusion!", have become quite informative after Waking Up The Dead started sharing his thoughts. Deck Shoes, the one whom I linked to in the post, has made a follow up entry, "Writing, A Pint Of Guinness, James Joyce And His Piano", on her blog. An excerpt:

The previous post generated a few interesting and informative comments. Shiwang discussed important points on Kenneth Yu’s blog, citing works of James Joyce and he-who-inspired-towel-celebrations Douglas Adams.

I really intended not to discuss Writing, hence writing in my “Confusion” post “On the other hand, British writing isn’t as easy as using -our or -ise,” knowing that marami pa akong bigas na kakainin (I say this in Filipino, because if I translate into English I will have to say “I still have to eat a lot of potatoes”) to be able to “write British.” Therefore I merely focused on this string of British words, as opposed to Writing in General, in my previous post.

But since we are already in the discussion of language, points of view, background, etc., and I’m pleased after having a pint of Guinness, I’d like to list a few writers who in my opinion are very good at this. Most of them I read when I was much younger, back when I still read voraciously, so I don’t know if my impression would change if I read them again.

Click here to read her entire entry.


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